In the city of Osnabrück, the arrangement of traffic light signals for indirect left turns is being changed. Until now, cyclists who want to turn left indirectly enter the intersection and stop in the designated queuing area. They look at the traffic light, which is located on the other side of the intersection in the direction of the left turn, i.e. at the destination of the trip. If it shows green, they drive off.
The national requirements for traffic signals are defined in the guidelines for traffic signal systems (RiLSA). Indirect left turns, as practiced in Osnabrück, deviate from this. In order to make the indirect left turn conform to the guidelines, the city will change the constellation in the intersection area. Most of the space will remain in the same place as before, and the principle will also remain the same. After the change, however, the traffic light that is decisive for the cyclist will be located in a straight line directly in front of the cyclist – i.e., at the cyclist’s starting point.
More information
To improve the situation around the bike lanes in Osnabrück, there is by the way also the Radentscheid Osnabrück, which campaigns for these issues. If you want to support them, signature lists are available in the AStA offices in Haste and Westerberg. You can find more information about the Radentscheid on their website.