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Reading and exchange with Asal Dardan


From the cooperative reading series Antiracism

Asal Dardan grew up in Germany as the child of Iranian parents, and the experience of exile has shaped her. Based on her own life, she talks about how deep the ruptures are that run through our society. Class antagonisms, repression of one’s own history, a fixation on one’s origins – Asal Dardan’s literary definition of the present is an examination of the major themes of our time. Her view is always surprising, her analysis always perceptive. There is the child refugee who finds comfort in Spitzweg’s homely pictures, which Hitler also liked so much. There are the bureaucratic pension notices from the Sardinian neighbour, whose contents no one can decipher. There are the goldfish released into the wild from the Persian New Year and their own new traditions chosen. Asal Dardan, born in Tehran in 1978, grew up in Cologne, Bonn and Aberdeen after her parents fled Iran. She studied cultural studies in Hildesheim and Middle Eastern studies in Lund. As a freelance author, she writes for Zeit Online, the FAZ and the Berliner Zeitung, among others. She was awarded the Caroline Schlegel Prize for essay writing for her text Neue Jahre. In 2021 she was nominated for the German Non-Fiction Prize. After years on Öland in Sweden, Asal Dardan now lives with her family in Berlin. Interested persons from the University of Osnabrück and the University of Applied Sciences are invited to attend the reading and discuss with the author. The work can be purchased on site. Asal Dardan, born in Tehran in 1978, grew up in Cologne, Bonn and Aberdeen after her parents fled Iran. She studied cultural studies in Hildesheim and Middle Eastern studies in Lund. As a freelance author, she writes for Zeit Online, the FAZ and the Berliner Zeitung, among others. She was awarded the Caroline Schlegel Prize for essay writing for her text Neue Jahre. In 2021 she was nominated for the German Non-Fiction Prize. After years on Öland in Sweden, Asal Dardan now lives with her family in Berlin. Interested persons from the University of Osnabrück and the University of Applied Sciences are invited to attend the reading and discuss with the author. The work can be purchased on site.

No registration is necessary and 3G rules apply.


09 Jun 2022


18:00 - 20:00


Campus ohne Grenzen
Campus ohne Grenzen
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