Since this year, BAföG recipients have been able to undergo an electricity savings check free of charge. In addition, you can get up to €400 for a new fridge. Here are the services in detail:
What we do exactly:
– We will come to your home for an individual energy consultation. During the first visit, we record all electrical appliances and lamps and their consumption values. We also look at the electricity bill and heating bill to assess whether the household’s consumption is high.
– On the second visit, we bring along a few so-called emergency aids, which we give to the students and install on request. These are energy and water-saving articles with a value of up to €70. We also discuss our savings proposals.
– If the household has an old fridge or freezer, we recommend replacing it and can even give the household up to €400 for a new fridge (but at least €300 depending on the size of the household).
What else is important:
– There are no hidden costs. All costs for the project are borne by the federal government, local authorities and Caritas.
– We treat the household data we collect with complete confidentiality and use it exclusively to create a savings plan.
– Any BaföG recipient can take advantage of the offer. They only have to show the BaföG notification once, which is sufficient proof.
You can easily register via this page here.