Semester ticket refund
In principle, all students of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are obliged to purchase the semester ticket. Under certain circumstances, however, you can have the semester ticket fee that you have already paid refunded (see reasons below). Please note, however, that the transfer of the semester fee is mandatory for your re-registration and thus enrollment. Thus, the applications for reimbursement must be made after the semester fee has been transferred and before the respective semester and in time for the deadline, otherwise the amount cannot be reimbursed.

Directly to SeTiEr
Reasons for a refund
Since the Semesterticket is based on a solidarity model, a refund of the fee is only possible under the following circumstances:
Please note: From the winter semester 2024/2025, different refund regulations will apply due to the introduction of the Deutschlandsemesterticket.
120 days away from Germany
Due to an internship or a semester abroad due to your studies, you are outside the area of validity of the Deutschlandsemesterticket for at least 120 days in a row during the semester (approx. 4 months).
Proof: Proof of internship or proof of semester abroad (The following data must be clearly recognizable in the proof and match the application: Name and surname of the applicant, location of the internship or semester abroad, connection to studies, period of absence with exact date).
Vacation semester
You take a semester off during the semester of application.
Proof: Certificate of the semester of leave from the university
Severely disabled pass
You have a valid disabled person’s card that allows you to use all public transportation. In this case, you can either apply to us for a refund or leave a copy of your severely disabled ID at the Student Secretariat and you will receive a reduced semester fee invoice in the future.
Proof: Valid severely disabled person’s ID card (characteristic sign: G, aG, H, Gl, B or Bl)
Double matriculated
You are also enrolled at another university that also offers the Deutschlandsemesterticket.
Evidence: a certificate from the other university. This must show that you have purchased the Deutschlandsemesterticket there and that a refund is not planned for you in the semester you have applied for.
Period of applications
Applications for semester ticket reimbursement are always made in advance. For the
winter semester, it is the period from 01 July to 15 October and for the
Summer semester: 1 January to 15 April.
01.07. – 15.10.
01.01. – 15.04.
Request for refund: This is how it works!
You can submit the refund request exclusively through the SeTiEr web application. Evidence and applications in any other form cannot be respected.
Check reasons
Check whether you have one of the above reasons!
Collect evidence
Gather all the evidence you need for reimbursement.
Check application period
Are you in the (correct) application period? Remember that applications are always made in advance!
Submit a SeTiEr request
Go to SeTiEr and make your application and include all relevant information and supporting documents (Note that this is case sensitive!).
Mail received
After about one working day you will receive an email with an approval or a rejection.
Your application was rejected? Then proof is missing, incorrect information was entered, or you are not eligible for a refund.
If you receive a confirmation email, you will receive the money for the semester ticket back after a few days and your semester ticket will be deactivated.
FAQ about the semester ticket refund
Semester ticket refund
Du kannst ausschließlich online über die Webanwendung SeTiEr einen Antrag auf Rückerstattung stellen. Nachweise und Anträge in anderer Form werden nicht beachtet.
Nur, wenn du einen gültigen unbefristeten Schwerbehindertenausweis (Merkzeichen: G, aG, H, Gl, B oder Bl) besitzt, kannst du beim Studierendensekretariat vereinbaren, dass dir künftig der Beitrag für das Semesterticket nicht mehr in Rechnung gestellt wird. Sollte dies nicht erwünscht sein, kannst du ganz normal für jedes Semester deine Rückerstattung über unser Portal online beantragen.