Logo of the AStA of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

General Student Committee (AStA)

We are the General Student Committee – or AStA for short – and are the “management” of the student body. As your university friends, we stand up for your interests and concerns both inside and outside the university and are always there to help if you have any difficulties!

Meeting dates / Events

Wednesday 23. October
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Tuesday 29. October
Wednesday 30. October
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Tuesday 5. November
16:00 - 19:00 Impro Theater Workshop
Wednesday 6. November
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Wednesday 13. November
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Wednesday 20. November
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Wednesday 27. November
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Wednesday 4. December
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
Wednesday 11. December
17:00 - 18:00 University Yoga
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Mensa Westerberg

What we do:

In addition to advocacy, we organize events, offer consultations, print your scripts, lend technology, tools or other equipment, and provide you with important information. If you need learning materials, we also offer an AStA store at each university location.

We consist of a total of 27 students and two employees and are organized into eleven units. We meet approximately every two weeks for an AStA meeting, where we discuss the agenda items, which are recorded in minutes, and finally decide by vote. The meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to drop in at any time.

Want to join us or attend a session? Then get in touch at asta@hochschulfreun.de or take a look at our available units. We look forward to seeing you!

This is us:

Bettina Hinternesch


Lena-Lotte Peters

Interne und externe Kommunikation

David Depta

Vorstand und Allgemeines am Westerberg

Studiert Fahrzeugtechnik

Niklas Herrmann

Vorstand und Kultur, Sport und Freizeit in Haste

Studiert Landschaftsentwicklung

Doreen Veith

Vorstand und Allgemeines in Lingen

Studiert Kommunikationsmanagement

Sara Amarouch

Bafög und Soziales für alle Standorte

Studiert Freiraumplanung

Noah Deters

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in Haste

Studiert Freiraumplanung

Tim Drewes

Kultur, Sport und Freizeit in Lingen

Studiert Betriebswirtschaft und Management

Paul-Bogdan Fuiorea

Internationales für alle Standorte

Studiert Öffentliches Management

Mattia Gaeta

AStA-Shop in Haste

Studiert Landschaftsbau

Adam Giemsa

Kultur, Sport und Freizeit am Westerberg

Studiert Soziale Arbeit

Christine Haverkamp

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in Lingen

Studiert Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Elsbeth Heesch

Mobilität für alle Standorte

Studiert Landwirtschaft

Niklas Herrmann

Vorstand und Kultur, Sport und Freizeit in Haste

Studiert Landschaftsentwicklung

End of Members

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What do the people do?

Have you ever wondered what the individual units actually mean and what exactly the tasks of the respective units are? Here we give you a short overview of the tasks of the General Student Committee:

Letter A as tile


At each location (Westerberg, Haste and Lingen) we have one person responsible for the General Unit. They will answer your inquiries or forward them to the appropriate unit. In addition, they take care of office organization and all general activities that arise.

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BAföG and social affairs

The Department for BAföG and Social Affairs is responsible for all questions regarding BAföG, scholarships or other social issues. We offer consultations and take care of your problems. In addition, we supervise social projects at the university.

Letter H as tile

University Policy

In order to promote communication and cooperation among the committees, we have our university policy officers (HoPo). They attend meetings of various committees, are responsible for conducting university elections, organize team building activities, and simply keep an eye on university politics and regularly take positions on university policy issues.

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Our department for hochschulfreun.de is responsible for all the content on this website. The person will take care of content maintenance and upkeep, write and schedule posts, and assist with event promotion.

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Did you know that the semester ticket is organized by our department for mobility? In fact, they enter into negotiations with the transport companies, handle the ticket and are also responsible for reimbursement. Furthermore, they manage our bicycle repair shop at the Westerberg campus.

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When holding events, we also often need suitable music or lighting equipment. This is managed and executed by our technology department! Whether music systems, lights, beer pong tables and much more: You can also borrow our equipment from our speakers for technology.

Executive Board

Our board consists of the general officers of the locations Westerberg, Haste and Lingen. The Board of Directors is responsible for our meetings, chairs them and sends out the invitations.

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Learning Resources Unit

The learning materials department provides you with pens, notepads and other office and writing materials at cost price at each location in the AStA stores.

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The first contact person for international students (incoming students) is our International Office. It provides support and mediation for problems and inquiries, cooperates with the International Offices of the university and promotes intercultural exchange.

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Culture, sports and leisure

Our officers for culture, sports and leisure (KSF) are responsible for everything to do with leisure activities alongside studies on campus. They organize and conduct parties and cultural events, network with various institutions as well as committees. Furthermore, you take care of our cultural semester ticket.

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Public Relations

Our Instagram or Facebook channel is filled by our public relations officers. In addition, you will help the other units with the creation of flyers, posters or press releases. They are also responsible for creating our semester planner.

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The department for sustainability is committed to more environmental awareness and protection at the university, in the committees, but also in general!

In doing so, the unit works closely with the university’s Sustainability Working Group and organizes actions with other groups for a more sustainable future.

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All students at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences transfer a small amount of money to the General Student Committee with their semester contribution. With this small amount of money we can provide you and your fellow students with many different and discounted offers. Sergej and Bettina take care of the handling and accounting of the finances.


10x per semester


Elected by the student parliament

Social media channels

Meeting minutes

You can find the minutes of the General Student Committee in OSCA

To the protocols in INTRANET>

Letter W circle

Campus Westerberg

General Student Committee (AStA)

Building AE Building (back)

Barbarastraße 7a
49076 Osnabrück

ACHTUNG: Das Büro ist vom 07.04. – 02.05. nicht barrierefrei zugänglich. Ruf gerne an, wir kommen dann raus 🙂


Office hours

Mon. – Thu. 9:00 – 16:30
Fri. 9:00 – 12:00


Tel.: 0541-969 2118

Fax: 0541-969 12118

E-Mail: asta@hochschulfreun.de


  • Telephone consultation
  • Printing service (PDF before by mail)

We are also happy to make appointments. Just send us an email at asta@hochschulfreun.de or give us a call.

Letter W circle

Campus Haste

General Student Committee at the Haste site

HE Building

Am Krümpel 31
49090 Haste

Office hours

Tue. 9:00 – 16:30


Tel.: 0541-969 5138

E-Mail: haste@hochschulfreun.de


  • Telephone consultation
  • Printing service (PDF before by mail)

We are also happy to make appointments. Just send us an email at haste@hochschulfreun.de or give us a call.

Letter W circle

Campus Lingen

General Student Committee at the Lingen site

KH Building, Room 0007B

Kaiserstraße 10c
49809 Lingen

Office hours

Tue. 11:30 – 12:3015:45 – 16:45
Wed. 13:00 – 14:00
Thu. 11:45 – 12:45


Tel.: 0591-800 98 273

E-Mail: lingen@hochschulfreun.de


  • Telephone consultation
  • Printing service (PDF before by mail)

We are also happy to make appointments. Just send us an email at lingen@hochschulfreun.de or give us a call.